Check out these wonderful sites for more information about Zoltan Kodály and the Kodály method of musical training!
OAKE - Organization of American Kodály Educators - Information on OKAE membership and their promotion of the Kodály concept of music education in America
International Kodály Society - This international society acts as an worldwide forum for all persons who interested in or use the Kodály concepts
The Kodály Center of America - This site is dedicated to the history and teachings of Zoltan Kodály.
The American Folksong Collection at Holy Names College - This interactive site offers short movies on Zoltán Kodály, emphasizing on his history, philosophy, and how he applied his concepts in the classroom
Study Opportunities
Kodály Institute, Kecskemét, Hungary - Site provides information about the courses and the international workshops offered
The Kodály Institute at Capital University - Information about the programs offered at Capital University, Ohio (Dr. Royce Tevis and Susan Tevis are often asked to teach classes, workshops, and give lectures at the Kodály Institute)